roxy lalonde, and why we're one in the same

when i first tried to read homestuck back in 2018, i was never able to get to act 6. my 13-year-old attention span simply wasn't able to withstand the walls of dialogue at the time. even now i still struggle with rereads due to my attention span being laughable miniscule to this day. i ended up skipping a lot of dialogue on my first read and getting completely lost, prompting me to just kind of...give up for a few years.

imagine my surprise when i finally got to act 6 and realized i missed out on the most painfully relatable motherfucker there is.

roxy is very dear to my heart. that probably doesn't really come as a surprise to a lot of people that know me. i mean, hell, i even named myself after her. i relate to her in so many ways it's kind of shocking.

but cleo, HOW do you relate to her?

it's simple! i just do :] if you want a comprehensive list, though...

to sum it up? we're both mentally ill as hell i'm afraid.

to be honest, though? i didn't initially realize how similar we are. i think the realization of how much i relate to her came when i read this page, specifically this part.

yeah. ouch. i think i've already explained why i relate to this aspect of her character so much, but like i said i have the tendency to fuck up sometimes when it comes to friendships and it makes me worry that i'm a shitty person or something. i usually come back to my senses in time, but still. it hurts, man!

if you relate to roxy so much, then why isn't she the unofficial homestuck mascot of your site?

two reasons! 1. feferi is my favorite troll, along with mituna, and i relate to both of them a lot as well, and 2. roxy didn't really fit with the tropical theming of my website. wish i could've fit her in somewhere but alas i could not.

but hey! at least she has an entire article on her now :] she is so me. just like me fr.