hi!! my name is cleo, welcome to my website! here you'll find quite a lot about me! personal information is, well, personal, and i'd like to keep it that way, but here's a basic rundown of things to know about me!
i'd consider myself an amateur at html, i started making websites very recently and i'm still not very experienced but! making ugly late 90s-type websites like this is very fun :] expect this website to update a lot! it's constantly under construction hehe
this website most likely isn't very optimized for a majority of smaller mobile devices :[ sorry
psst, hey! this site has a button now! use this button on your website to link to my website!
and while you're at it, feed my lusus!
09/29/22: lilly o. botik character page added.
09/28/22: ayami nakadai character page added.
09/26/22: lusus page added.
09/25/22: article about roxy lalonde and joe everyman character page have been added.
09/24/22: the basics of this site are complete! more will be added soon :D